About the Institution
If we go back a few decades, widespread illiteracy and shocking poverty thaw most of the villages of India into darkness and retarded the social and economic development. Sagardighi is not an exception to this general trend of India. The local people totally depend on agriculture for their livelihood and remain engaged throughout the year. Murshidabad has been famous for its agro-based silk industry since the middle ages. Though the area was trying to develop her economy through infrastructural development , power development to drive its growth engine, by expanding of farming area and introducing of high - yielding varieties of crops, by expanding service sectors, tele - communication and information technology after Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization, but it could not pull itself out from widespread illiteracy and preparing itself to quest her thrust for higher education at per with urban areas .
For development of the village, the need for education and health infrastructure was duly emphasized and planned. With zeal, at the later part of the first decade of this century , some of the political leaders of the locality along with the dedicated local people came forward to establish a degree college. The process of establishing the Institution was initiated by the local educationists with the help of the then local MP , Sri Pranab Mukherjee - the 13th President of India and Bharat Ratna who will be cherished for his impeccable service to the Nation. The people of the locality donated generously as much as they could. But ultimately the college was set up at Sagardighi with the financial help from Kamada Kinkar Memorial Trust in December, 2008.
At last a new general degree college was established amid serene and natural beauty of an old lake called ‘Sagardighi’ named initially after the
place as ‘Sagardighi Mahavidyalaya’ at Sagardighi, Murshidabad with effect from 2008-09 academic year under the West Bengal Colleges Act 1978 vide G.O. No.
dated 4th July 2008 with the subjects of Bengali, English, History, Political Science and Philosophy in the general
stream and affiliated to University of Kalyani, Nadia vide affiliation order: RPS/Aff. Col/67/08(2), Dated : 29/07/2008. Later on this college was renamed as
‘Sagardighi Kamada Kinkar Smriti Mahavidyalaya’ vide G.O. No. 791-Edn(CS)/4C-30/2008 (Vol.I) dated 30th September 2013, after the father's name of Ex - President
of India, Sri Pranab Mukherjee . There is no scope of denying the fact that our Ex - President , son of the soil , had deep love and profound sympathy for the
poor and distressed, oppressed people.
The college was founded on the philosophy that knowledge is virtue & enlightenment and in turn enlightenment leads to emancipation. On this philosophy the college emerged as a co - education college with a view to educate the pupils coming from backward communities and working class people apart from the general classes , most of whom were first generation learners . Since the state of infancy the college has proceeded in the teeth of opposition- both financial and functional. This lone institute of higher education in such a remote area where the light of proper education has not yet fully reached became an oasis in the desert. It deserves special mention that all sections of people, the haves and have - nots , have rendered yeomen's service to the construction and development of the institution situated mainly in a poverty stricken locality where most of the people are steeped in illiteracy , ignorance and superstitions. The college is maintaining a vital role to impart the value based education to the local people specially the financially backward students. The college strives for socio - cultural as well as educational uplift of the surrounding areas largely populated by backward communities. The college offers undergraduate courses in the discipline of Arts and Science. The college is gradually coming up with the state-of-the art infrastructure in spite of many odds. The college initially started functioning only with the department of Arts and thereafter it could add Science department from the academic session 2013-14. Since inception the college had been suffering for the whole time Principal and teaching staff for over 8 years. Initially it could provide only one Honorary Principal, 15 Part time and Guest Teachers for imparting education to the students and 12 office staff for regular functioning of the college office. The college started with only 75 students in the first year. The present student strength of the college is over 1000. It comprises 27 furnished Class Rooms, Administrative office, Staff Room, Library, Girls common room, Boys common room, canteen and Science laboratories etc. It also possesses a guest house besides the college premises. Though the college possesses a library , the college is struggling for a well managed and well furnished library. There is a big green and grassy field in front of the college for recreational and games and sports activities which are part and parcel of academic pursuits .
The college develops gradually through storms and strains under the strong and able management of the Organizing Committee formed to run the college till the formation of a regular Governing Body which is enacting from 30th June 2018, as per University Statute. Now the college has 27 regular teaching staff out of which 10 are Assistant Professor and 17 are State Aided College Teacher (SACT). Few months back the College finally got its first Principal. We will not deny that more academic-infrastructural development is required to facilitate our students and will try our level best within our financial limitations. It is planned that the college will appeal for UGC affiliation and relevant accreditation process as required from time to time for betterment of the education system of this institution. We will work together as a team for the best. Also let us hope for the best.