NEP Preparedness

Institutional Preparedness For NEP

1. Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary:

Institute offers different multidisciplinary courses to combine elements from different academic disciplines to provide a comprehensive learning experience. These courses aim to bridge gaps between fields, fostering a holistic understanding and encouraging innovative thinking.

As per the guidelines of affiliating university i.e. University of Kalyani, with effect from academic year 2023-24, the students of this institution are to select one multidisciplinary course from below mentioned broader discipline separately in three successive semesters:

  1. Natural and Physical Sciences
  2. Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Applications.
  3. Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  4. Library, Information and Media Sciences.
  5. Commerce and Management.

These courses are designed to equip students with diverse skills and perspectives, preparing them to tackle complex, real-world problems.

The students are not allowed to select more than one course from the same broader discipline in 3 successive semesters. Students are advised not to choose or repeat course(s) already at the (10+2) Level

2. Academic bank of credits (ABC):

As per NEP 2020, the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) system has been adopted by this institution to facilitate flexible and personalized learning pathways for students. It allows for the accumulation, transfer, and redemption of academic credits earned from different recognised institutions. About 93% of our students enrolled in different programs during the academic year 2023-24, are bearing ABC ID. It is noteworthy that University of Kalyani has taken timely initiatives in this regard for its effective implementation.

3. Skill Development:

Different ‘Skill Enhancement Courses’ (SEC) are designed by the affiliating universities to improve specific skills that are valuable in professional and personal development. All the enrolled students of this institution go through the SEC paper in different semesters as per the curriculum as designed by the University of Kalyani. Other than the mandatory SEC paper as designed by the University, this institution has also initiated some measures involving our Career Counselling Cell under IQAC for development of the underprivileged youth for providing skill development training for making them job ready through collaboration with other institution and/or with approved training partners of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). Institute also offers different Add-on courses in line with this purpose using local resources e.g. vermicomposting, mushroom cultivation, plantation of medicinal plants.

4. Appropriate integration of Indian Knowledge system (teaching in Indian Language, culture, using online course):

Being an affiliated college, there is very limited flexibility in designing course curriculum but the departments thoughtfully integrate the Indian knowledge system into the college curriculum such that students can gain a deeper appreciation of India’s rich heritage and apply this knowledge in innovative and meaningful ways in their academic which can cover various aspects such as literature, philosophy, history and science and also professional lives.

Indian literature includes classical epics as well as a vast body of poetry, drama, and prose in various languages. Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, is the medium through which much of the Indian knowledge system has been transmitted. It is also the basis for the study of linguistics in India, with significant contributions to grammar and phonetics. Institute offers courses in Sanskrit and other regional languages like Bengali, Arabic to help students access primary texts and understand the linguistic heritage of India.

Indian philosophy places a strong emphasis on dharma/duty/ righteousness and ethics, guiding individuals in leading a moral and fulfilling life. Vedas and Upanishads are the ancient texts that form the foundation of Indian philosophy. We offer dedicated courses on Indian Philosophy and integrate philosophical discussions into the courses on ethics, history and literature. We have incorporated practices like yoga and meditation to complement theoretical learning which involves physical postures, and focuses on mindfulness and inner peace.

Ayurveda is the traditional system of medicine in India, which focuses on holistic health and wellness. It emphasizes the balance of body, mind and spirit and uses natural remedies, diet and lifestyle practices for healing. To raise awareness about the various benefits of it, our ‘Nature Club’ in collaboration with ‘Health and Wellness Club’ continues their campaigning and also has taken timely initiatives to nurture different medicinal plants in their ‘Herbal Garden’. Basic elements of Ayurveda are also taught to the interested students, specially Sanskrit. An herbal garden with more than 20 varieties of medicinal plants has been maintained for study on plant based drugs and to encourage students about its medicinal values as well as uses.The medicinal plant garden has been created for the cultivation and preservation of important medicinal flora. The garden has been making significant practical contribution to manifold the effects of Nature on human being. It has been instrumental in cultivation of medicinal plants and specimens and carrying out research on active plant-ingredients.

We are trying to collaborate with local society/NGO who are actively working with regional history and heritage.

Focus on Outcome based education (OBE):

The respective departments have formulated their Course Outcomes (COs) and Program Outcomes (POs) as per the course contents outlined by the affiliating university and the same have been displayed on the College Website ( Teachers also discuss COs and POs with their students during the lectures and accordingly deliver their lectures. Many college events are outlined with the proposed outcomes.

6. Distance education/online education:

Covid-19, lockdown and the restrictions on the in-campus physical activity had taught us to move overnight to the Online mode of teaching using mostly Google Meet sometimes Zoom platform. Covid-19 has left us but we could not leave the online classes and/or virtual communications. We are now practicing hybrid modes of teaching and also communications. Students nowadays are also interested in accessing e-resources. Links to various e-resources are available on the Library page in our college website ( We are collaborating with different institutions for academic interest and we are dependent on an online mode of lectures delivered by different experts of different institutions using e-platform only. This online mode of teaching facilitates our students to enjoy the expertise of esteemed faculty of different collaborating institutes also.