Perspective Plan

Perspective Plan

  1. To Fill up all vacant teaching post
  2. To upgrade institutional Website
  3. To implement online Admission system
  4. To adopt functional MoU related to job orientated training
  5. To enhance academic and research collaboration with other institutions.
  6. Upgradation of Science Laboratory
  7. Complete automation of the library
  8. To provide e-learning resources
  9. To introduce skill-based courses
  10. To improve the teaching-learning methods
  11. To implement hybrid mode of teaching
  12. To initiate vermicomposting, Mushroom cultivation
  13. To enhance Medicinal Plants
  14. To implement ‘Save Water’ initiatives
  15. To conduct Academic and Administrative Audit, Environment/Green Audit, Energy Audit
  16. To implement computing facility
  17. To upgrade IT facility
  18. To enhance ICT enabled classrooms
  19. To set up ICT enabled Seminar Hall
  20. To implement online Fees Collection system
  21. To implement LMS
  22. To enhance technical knowledge of the students and employees